Anjeze Charitable Trust

Anjeze (birth name of Mother Teresa) is the fruit of Love, Care, and unwavering Dedication and Commitment to Serve. With more than 25 years of focused and continuous work in the areas of Medicine, Education, and Nutrition, Anjeze firmly believes in the Power of Compassion and Service to uplift lives and create a positive impact on society. With humble beginnings of just 3 members, the zeal for service has transformed Anjeze into a vibrant community of over 60 enthusiasts who work tirelessly to maximize the impact of their dedication to Serve, whether in Hospital Wards, Schools, Distribution Drives, and more. The art of sharing improves with each passing day and with the addition of every new member to the Team. Alchemy Capital Management has partnered with Anjeze since two years to donate essential medical equipment to Tata Memorial Hospital.