• Why Alchemy?
  • Founders and Investment Team
  • Strong Emphasis on Compliance and Risk Management
  • Disciplined Investment Process

Why Alchemy Capital?

Alchemy Capital’s Portfolio Management Services (PMS) has an exemplary track record of having provided superior client experience, in keeping with the investor’s long-term wealth creation goals, over two decades.Alchemy has lent its skills and advice to group assets worth USD 1.1 bn (as on January 31, 2025).

A dedicated team of professionals works round the clock to make sure that you benefit from the association. The exclusive Bottom-Up strategy and periodic monitoring make Alchemy what is it today; an asset management organization of choice.

Founders and Investment Team

  • Bring a century of collective equity market experience to the table.
  • Are on solid market footing, one that bases on knowledge, transparency and process.
  • Have a strong network that converges both information and intelligence.
  • Are consistent with the investment patterns and philosophy.
  • Work with a team of professionals who have imbibed the investment philosophy practiced by the company.

Risk management and compliance

  • Alchemy and its employees strictly abide by the code of conduct .
  • Believes in absolute transparency and unambiguity in the ways of doing business.

A disciplined investment philosophy

  • Alchemy is one of the pioneers in Bottom-Up stock selection whereby companies can perform and realize their full potential irrespective of industry conditions
  • A good understanding of trends and latest market developments
  • Considers primary research inviolable for a comprehensive evaluation